2012 Work Coinage

At the end of last year, thanks to having the pump primed by a coworker, i was able to get us the rest of the way to starting up fairly regular game-playing at lunch.  That alone will ensure that i play more games this year than last, which is good, because had i kept track of them, last year's numbers would look kind of sad.  And by "kind of", i mean "very".

It turns out that i'm not the only game-player in the group, though my collection is certainly more extensive than anyone else's.  (smirk) And possible more extensive than *everyone* else's, though i know they have box store games that i don't.

Pennies:  Battleship Express, Rolit, Trouble

Nickles:  Sorry

I guess this is a good place to add that i'd like to cull my game collection some this year.  The goal is to donate/gift three for every two that arrive.  I'm going to count the baskets i make for church bazaars, which are largely extras that i bought specifically for that purpose, but since i already have nine on the way from kickstarters, i'll need to supplement the outgoing with ones of mine before the year is out.

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