Gumball Rally

Despite what the box/rules say, Gumball Rally works just fine with two players after you tweak it some.  For starters, each player chooses two go-karts instead of just one.  Next - and i recommend playing this way no matter how many players you have - place the Race cards on the cardboard 'karts instead of under/beside them.  This keeps the game - which is mostly about the pass and slightly about the block - flowing nice and quickly.  Lastly, keep the points won on the individual 'kart cards.  This last bit adds a bit of strategy in that you want to keep a particular car in first place so that you don't spread your points between them and come in second and third instead of first.

At the beginning of the game, deal two cards to each player and when it's your turn - meaning that one of your 'karts is next up - you draw a card and play a card (from among your three).  Actually, i recommend doing the same for more than two players: two at the beginning, draw one, play one.  I'm definitely a fan of games with more depth, but this one is a surprise hit since i can pull it out and get in a quick game or two before i move on to something else (be it another game or working in the shed).

After a few games, even the set-up - which was definitely odd at first - is no big deal.  Lay out the Finish and two Checkpoint cards face down.  Shuffle the Hazard deck and lay three cards on each.  "Shuffle" the Finish stack a bit.  Shuffle the first Checkpoint stack a bit and place it on the Finish stack.  Shuffle the other Checkpoint stack a bit and place it on the now-combined stack.  Place three more cards on top and toss the remaining Hazard cards off to the side.  Have someone else shuffle the Race deck while you're doing all that and you're ready to go.

The game isn't going to win any awards, but as a quick filler, it's not bad. I'm a bit saddened that i inadvertently gave my copy away.

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