Yahtzee - Jan '13

At the end of last year i realized that i had a veritable slew of Yahtzee score pads, which is not only fun to say, but lends itself to playing a game - and only one - every day and seeing what the top twenty scores are at the end of the year.  Now granted, playing a game literally every day wasn't going to happen, but i'll manage to do it most days.  And if my thrift store luck holds, i'll have enough to do this next year as well.

Oh, and while i won't go so far as to say that electronic games of Yahtzee don't count, i'll most certainly say that they count -differently-.  Especially since i'm using the Deluxe Yahtzee dice i stumbled across and a nice 10" octagonal dice tray.

I've managed to keep get the first twenty keepers above 200, albeit barely, so i'd say i'm off to a good start.

     458    January 22
     372    January 7
     311    January 16
     279    January 2
     268    January 4
     265    January 17
     264    January 12
     260    January 15
     255    January 30
     242    January 29
     240    January 13
     233    January 14
     229    January 5
     226    January 6
     222    January 1
     220    January 27
     216    January 19
     209    January 31
     206    January 9
     201    January 25

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