Formula Dé Mini

Formula Dé Mini is a racing game in which strategy takes a back seat to the press-your-luck and roll-and-move aspects. In the scheme of things, i'd say it's closer to Ave Caesar than Bolide.  Below is our ruleset, though some things aren't listed, such as you being able to shift one gear up or down at the beginning of your turn without taking damage and that the longest corner of each track is two stops.  Two additional changes are that you can slip the clutch every turn (like the official Formula Dé variant) and we've decided that you can pit after every lap.  We're pretty happy with what we have, but it's not carved in stone.

before the race
    starting position is based on reverse season standings  (roll black d20 for ties)
    choose pit stop in reverse starting order

starting the race  —  roll black d20
       1  :  poor start - first gear, but no movement
    2-18:  normal start - roll first gear as normal
   19-20:  quick start - first gear + additional spaces based on starting grid row

on the first lap, all spaces between the start line and first turn are double-spaces

ways to take damage

    overshooting a corner
         one per space per required stop (stops stack)
         can't change lanes or pass when overshooting
         if life ends at -1*, a spin-out occurs
             begin next turn in first gear; set life to zero
             * this is the only exception to -1 damage = elimination

    one per space for braking / being blocked
         taking seven blocking damage at once = elimination

    three for slipping the clutch (add one movement point)

    one per downshift after the first (four gears max)

    one for upshifting two gears
         roll black d20
              1- 4:  turn ends; two additional damage
              5-16:  two additional damage
             17-20:  no additional damage

    one for slipstreaming
        you must be in third gear or higher
        gearing must be equal/greater than the car you are slipstreaming
        gain three spaces, though you may brake (via damage) to gain less

         when pulling next to or behind car(s), all roll black d20
         when stopping next to multiple cars, the car that moved must roll for each car
              1- 4: take one damage
              5-20: no damage
        eliminating a car via collision results in automatic damage

    two for redlining engine
        automatically for running in sixth gear (fifth gear +10)
        roll of 1-4 on black d20 in following situations:
             12 on d12 (fourth gear), 20 on d20 (fifth gear), 30 (20+10) in sixth gear

    you must pull into your pit-stop with exact count or brake as necessary
    there is no blocking-damage in pit lane  BUT
        you can't enter pit lane unless you have clear spaces equal to gear's minimum
        no upshifting in pit lane unless you have clear spaces equal to gear's minimum
    may roll any "gear" die to regain health from your damage
    if you would gain more than your damage, you gain none
         quick pit-stop
              roll first through third gear die (d4, d6, d8)
              may immediately exit the pit no higher than third gear
         full pit-stop
              roll fourth or fifth gear die (d12, d20); turn ends
              next turn, may perform a quick pit-stop  OR
              may exit the pit prior to those performing a quick pit-stop

if multiple cars cross the finish line in the same round, calculate finish order as a percentage of distance traveled related to speed (ie 10spaces, roll of 20 = 50% of turn).

championship points
    one championship point for the leader of every non-final lap
        to earn the point, the leader must be on the track proper
    points count towards both drivers' and constructors' championships
            finish position        points earned
                     1                           7
                     2                           5
                     3                           3
                     4                           2
                     5                           1
                    6-8                         0

eight-race series (four on each course)
    three laps, as normal
    two laps, no pit-stop available
    three laps, third and fourth straights don't exist
    two laps, all corners are double the number of stops